Legacy Modern

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Featured Item of the Week: Vintage, German Pommel Horses!

Pommel horses! Get your vintage pommel horses at Legacy Modern!

If you follow interior design trends as of late, you've probably noticed the Industrial look is everywhere. Even Target has knock-off Industrial pieces; however, their inventory doesn't have the heart and soul that our collection has. Also, Target doesn't have vintage, German pommel horses. But we do!

When we we're touring around the UK, Germany, and Eastern Europe this summer, we stumbled upon some exquisite pieces rich in history, and perfect for creating an authentic Industrial look. If you look on Pinterest you'll find some great ideas to create this utilitarian look in your home or office. They're great for photo shoots too!

Photo cred: http://keltainentalorannalla.blogspot.fi/

Stop by our store on SE 2nd and Alder to see more items like this. While your here shop our Mission Arts and Crafts and Mid Century Modern showrooms, too!

You can parallel park along the front the building on Alder - justa heads up!